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Shrink Wrapping Services

Shrink wrapping is a cost-effective way to protect and ship your products, and at our full-service shrink-wrapping company, we make it easier than ever. We offer shrink wrapping services for businesses of all sizes nationwide and internationally. Our team will work closely with you to ensure that we properly wrap your products and property in the most efficient way possible. We guarantee customer satisfaction every step of the way.

Virginia Shrink Wrap Nuclear Power Station

Shrink Wrap is What We Do

ASI has completed projects in:

  • Maryland
  • Virginia
  • Delaware
  • Georgia
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina
  • Kansas
  • Michigan
  • Wisconsin
  • Kentucky
  • Puerto Rico
  • Thailand

Why have we been hired to travel so far from home? We have a proven record of professionalism and reliable work, no matter how far we travel. We can provide shrinkwrapping services for national and international travel.

Strategically Headquartered in Glen Burnie, MD

Our services are available virtually anywhere! So, no matter where you are, we can and will travel to provide you with the best shrink wrapping services available. Based in Glen Burnie, Maryland, ASI has a great geographical advantage to access many ports along the Eastern United States. These ports are close to international airports that can carry us to any location.

Many of our military projects are in remote areas that are off the beaten path. This is not a problem for us at ASI. Getting to these projects is just a part of what we love to do.

Our Focus

ASI’s main focus is shrink wrapping items for transport and long-term storage. We have built a reputation for being trusted to wrap military tanks, helicopters, nuclear power equipment, and private industry needs such as commercial and industrial equipment.

In the past two years, ASI has wrapped items that, combined, are worth more than 2 billion dollars.

We are asked to do these projects because we have a proven track record, past customer support, and a portfolio that we are not afraid to share with the world. Each photo on this website is a completed job done in full by Atlantic Shrink Wrapping Inc.

You will see that all of our photos are watermarked with our logo (this is because we have had a rash of competitors steal our photos for their own sites and claim the work as their own). We only advertise our own work.

Our Partners Are Our Strength

ASI understands that to build a strong company, you must work closely with other strong companies. That’s why we teamed up with the largest shrink wrap supplier in the world.

Our supplier has millions of pounds of material on hand for shipping out at a moment’s notice. A single phone call can pack up and ship materials to a remote location and arrive ahead of our team. Then, we travel to the job site and complete the project.

To learn more about Atlantic Shrink Wrapping Inc. and the services we can provide, see:

We can shrink wrap single objects or provide shrink wrapping for higher-scale projects.

Get Shrink Wrapping Services

Call Atlantic Shrink Wrapping for complete services at (410) 376-7052. We provide shrink wrapping along the East Coast and can prepare objects for international transport.