Aviation and aerospace products are precision-engineered and often contain complex circuitry and computer parts. When aircraft are shipped, they are frequently fully assembled and ride on the decks of ships or on open trailers that leave them vulnerable to weather, moisture, dirt, dust and damage. Nicks in paint or a protective skin might not seem like a big deal, but they can cause catastrophic failure when they occur on a spacecraft.
That’s why aircraft manufacturers, Department of Defense contractors, all branches of the U.S. military and even NASA call us when they need to move items, large or small, from one location to another. We are not the only shrink wrapping company out there, but for a number of reasons we top the list.
First, we use flame retardant plastic that is 12 millimeters thick. That’s twice the thickness of the shrink wrap other contractors use. Our plastic offers double the protection from environmental damage during transport. When helicopters must be shipped overseas, our shrink wrapping protects them from being damaged by sand, dirt, salt water and sea air.
Second, our methods are time-tested and thorough. Not only do we have expert knowledge of the components we wrap, but we study them from inside out in order to give them the best protection. We use desiccants when needed, to guard against corrosion from moisture beneath the wrap. We understand that the tiniest scratches and dings can harm aircraft performance, so we pad painted surfaces and sharp edges to protect paint and keep the plastic from being pierced.
Finally, our facility in Pasadena, Maryland also serves the transportation, marine and energy industries with a wide variety of shrink wrapping capabilities. From boats to helicopters to turbines to spacecraft, Atlantic Shrink Wrap ensures that components arrive at their destination in pristine condition!